
Jayden Journal Public Access: Google Gaiden (Summer 2024)

Published: 2024-05-22

Dregs are in Toronto in October

Google has submsumed me and everything revolves around them.

I am writing this in a hotel in Milpitas california.

Iā€™ll be working at Google for the summer, at the Sunnyvale office, Iā€™m on the cloud workspace team responsible for Gmail and Chat. Things were quite fast from making it past the phone interviews to the start of my first day, and everything I had talked about in the previous one of these has fallen through the cracks to some degree.

But first some logistics:

JJPA changes:

  • These will now be every 4 months, to better match the academic calendar.
  • Theyā€™ll also generally be shorter, Iā€™d like this blog to be mostly information that is broadly interesting and applicable, not just things for people who are interested in me speficifally.

Throw out everything I had said in the last one of these.

Honestly I donā€™t think I actually looked at the goals I had set after writing them this time. My days were spent refreshing my email to wait for more information from Google or the Visa issuing company. Things from there that I was able to do are the following:

  • Finalized my summer internship at Google.

  • Finsished up my term at Scotiabank. It wasnā€™t very remarkable, but I think Google will make up for that.

  • Christna and Kaisaan will be taking over GDYU in my absence, itā€™s nice to know the club dosenā€™t require me to keep funcitoning. Most York Clubs donā€™t outlive their founder graduating, hopefully we beat those allegations.

  • Iā€™ve been consistent with WaniKani, put it on pause to travel but got back to it after around 2 weeks.

  • GDYU bot and GDYU website are live.

  • Iā€™ve remade my site, itā€™s static and hosted on github pages now.

  • Drawing and working out did get put on the back burner as they all too commonly do.

  • I did finish a game development project! It was a collaberative project with some gdyu members. I was always aprehensive to try collaberative projects with the club, and we did run into a lot of the problems I had predicted we would, but overall I had a good time and would be down to try it again check out The Maze

A very Googley summer

Iā€™m likey not going to make much progress on personal learning goals or hobbies this summer.

Iā€™m going to be primarily focused on work and doing new things with new people. Part of me does feel bad ā€œabandoningā€ the habits Iā€™ve cultivated for so long, but I think giving myself the oppertunity to live differently while I have an opptertunity to try lots of different things is worth doing. Itā€™s taken a lot of grinding and hard work and consistency to get the oppertunity to do these things, so Iā€™m going to try to make the most of them.

Iā€™ll have the rest of my life to draw comics and make games and do whatever else Iā€™d like to, but Iā€™ll only have this summer to be an intern at google (unless they give me a return internship/full time offer??? šŸ˜³)

So for Goals this summer, Iā€™d just like to do my best and make the most of my oppertunites here.

And you go make the most of your oppertunties! Wherever and whenever you are!
